Case Study

project description

  • Need Identification: The need for an FIR Management System arose due to the difficulty faced by the DSP office in managing the hard copies of FIRs registered. The existing system was time-consuming and prone to errors, leading to delays in investigations.

  • Web Application: Tesseract TechnoLabs developed a web application using Django-Python to create an easy-to-use system that can be accessed securely from anywhere. This ensured that the FIRs could be stored, searched and managed digitally, minimizing the risk of misplacement or loss.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The software had a simple user interface, making it easy for the staff at the DSP office to adapt to it quickly. The application allowed the users to register FIRs, view the status of the FIR, and search for FIRs based on different parameters.

  • Role-Based Access: The software was designed in such a way that it ensured role-based access to the system. Different roles were created based on the designation of the staff, which controlled the access and information that could be viewed or modified by the users.

Integrations & Features

  • Integration: The FIR Management System was integrated with the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & Systems (CCTNS), a nationwide platform that is used to connect all police stations and share information.

  • Reports Generation: The software provided an option to generate various types of reports based on different parameters. These reports helped the DSP office to analyze data and make better decisions for investigations and other operations.


  • Reports Generation: The software provided an option to generate various types of reports based on different parameters. These reports helped the DSP office to analyze data and make better decisions for investigations and other operations.

  • Benefits: The development of the FIR Management System resulted in a more efficient and reliable system for managing FIRs. The system reduced the processing time, increased accuracy, and minimized the risk of errors or loss of information. The software also helped the DSP office to analyze data and generate reports, which helped them to take better-informed decisions.


12 Months

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